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Each pattern comes with a stitched reference, a pattern breakdown, and a color code key – all the information you need to paint a picture in thread! Use the stitch key at the bottom of each page to match with the color codes in the pattern (along with the required strands – or ‘str’ – of thread) and voila, you now have the map to create an endless supply of forever flowers.

Working the patterns in the App may seem daunting but, with some practice, you can (and will) become a master of modern hand embroidery! Before you start, look at the pattern and take note of any stitches that would create an outline – these form the lines that you will color in with thread and should therefore be stitched first (these are not included in every pattern). Then look for the filling stitches and work these from the center outwards. Each pattern differs, but can be completed in a similar way – just make sure to start from the center of the pattern and work your way out. Once the base of the design is stitched, the final step is to add any details.

The best thing about modern hand embroidery is that the processes can be altered to suit each individual artist’s preferences, and that is true for the patterns in this App. Don’t like a stitch? Don’t use it. Don’t like a color choice? Change it. This App is meant to spark a fire in your heart, igniting a love for an age-old medium but in a new and refreshing way.
